Tractors & Attachments
1 3/8' PTO Drive Shaft, 32.67'-41.16', Series 4 Tractor PTO Shaft,6 Spline End Round End PTO Driveline Shaft, Black PTO Shaft Rotary Cutter
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Product Description <h2></h2> 1. AGT PTO shaft has a standard size of 1 3/8', which can match perfectly with the same size and type of implements and tractors, featuring superior driving force for your machinery.<br></br>2. Tiller PTO shaft is designed with a telescoping steel tube, a universal joint and yokes. <br></br>3. PTO shafts are durable and robust in working with all kinds of agricultural machinery.<br></br>4. The PTO extender shaft is full-tested and well-assembled in a compact structure, ready for hassle-free direct replacement as a high-efficient power transmission tool. The security chain and plastic shield avoid potential dangers in the transmission process.<br></br>5. The PTOshaft transfers the power from the tractor to the PTO powered attachment. It is widely used on mowers, wood chippers, rotary tillers, rotary cutters, brush cutters, hush hug, tractors, fertilizer spreaders, and more.
1 3/8' PTO Drive Shaft, 39.37'-51.5', Series 4 Tractor PTO Shaft,6 Spline End Round End PTO Driveline Shaft, Black PTO Shaft Rotary Cutter
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Product Description <h2></h2> 1. AGT PTO shaft (Bellows) has a standard size of 1 3/8', which can match perfectly with the same size and type of implements and tractors, featuring superior driving force for your machinery.<br></br>2. Tiller PTO shaft is designed with a telescoping steel tube, a universal joint and yokes. <br></br>3. PTO shafts are durable and robust in working with all kinds of agricultural machinery.<br></br>4. Safer Use & Compact: The PTO extender shaft is full-tested and well-assembled in a compact structure, ready for hassle-free direct replacement as a high-efficient power transmission tool. The security chain and plastic shield avoid potential dangers in the transmission process.<br></br>5. Wide Application: The PTOshaft transfers the power from the tractor to the PTO powered attachment. It is widely used on mowers, wood chippers, rotary tillers, rotary cutters, brush cutters, hush hug, tractors, fertilizer spreaders, and more.
31.5'-39.4' Pto shaft 1-3/8' 6 Spline Tractor and Implement Ends PTO Driveline Shaft with Protector to Fit Tpin JWBGLAWVJ
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Product Description <h2>31.5'-39.4' Pto shaft 1-3/8' 6 Spline Tractor and Implement Ends PTO Driveline Shaft with Protector</h2> <p><img src='' style='width: 758px,' data-filename='S80-1.jpg'></img></p><p><img src='' style='width: 758px,' data-filename='传动轴PTO.jpg'><br></br></img></p>
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